
2012年2月份,Gartner也发表了一份名为Database Activity Monitoring Is Evolving Into Database Audit and Protection的报告,阐述了这种变革。

根据Gartner的报告,DAM的内涵正在不断丰富,以至于Gartner决定用一个新的名词——DAP(Database Audit and Protection)——来定义过去的DAM市场。DAP扩展后的能力包括:

  • 数据(库)发现和敏感信息分类;
  • 数据库弱点管理,包括安全策略审计和配置管理;
  • 应用级分析,包括对应用账户的审计;
  • 数据库***保护;
  • 对非结构化数据的安全保护;
  • 与IAM的集成,包括对特权用户的审计、自然人的定位等;
  • 向风险管理的延展;

报告最后表示:DAP has not yet reached its full potential, but it represents a worthwhile investment for enterprises with databases containing confidential data, intellectual property, or any data that is subject to legal and regulatory protection requirements. These tools will continue to grow in maturity, function and usability, and will continue to deliver benefits as part of an enterprise data security program. DAP can also benefit risk management programs. Many installations start small and grow in size and complexity over time as enterprises see increased value from their investments.

